Highland Park/University Park
Stroll our streets

A little about Highland Park/University Park
Distinguished by their gorgeous homes and pristine landscapes, Highland Park and University Park are the most well-known suburbs in Park Cities, the most affluent neighborhood in the Dallas Metroplex. Highland Park Village is not only one of Dallas' most popular, high-end shopping centers, it is also a National Historic Landmark. And, at the edge of University Park, is one of Texas' most prestigious colleges - Southern Methodist University. Nearby is the newly-constructed George W. Bush Presidential Library.
The history of Highland Park/University Park
University Park began as a cluster of homes surrounding the fledgling Southern Methodist University, which was founded in the then-rural Dallas County in 1915. Since the 1940s, the population and area of University Park has stabilized at 24,000 residents and 2,350 acres (4.7 square miles). The city is now surrounded by Dallas on three sides and the town of Highland Park to the south. The land now known as Highland Park was bought in 1889 by a group of investors from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, known as the Philadelphia Place Land Association, for an average price of $377 an acre, with a total of $500,000. Highland Park became somewhat famous in the early 1980's when the popular television show Dallas used to shoot on location there.
Businesses in Highland Park/University Park
Here is a collection of Highland Park/University Park businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.
Molto Formaggio
Dallas's source for fine wine, artisanal cheese, gourmet food products
de Boulle Diamond & Jewelry
A fine jewelry store and authorized luxury timepiece dealer
Highland Park Pharmacy & Soda Fountain
Highland Park Soda Fountain serves up old school fun
Apples to Zinnias
Upscale flower designs and large selection of silks and drieds
Q5 Small Business Solutions, LLC
Quality Online Solutions for the Small Business Budget
Society Pet Sitter
Pet Sitting and Dog Walking in Highland Park, Insured and Bonded