Havana Puff Cigar Lounge in Astoria - Queens, New York

A remarkable selection of quality cigars

Havana Puff Cigar Lounge

About Havana Puff Cigar Lounge

In 2011 Ibrahim Amer established Astoria's first premium cigar lounge. Since then, Havana Puff has had the privilege of serving its customers the finest premium cigars ever made. Through his contacts in the cigar industry Ibrahim is able to secure the best cigars in his humidor. Havana Puff boasts a large selection of high quality cigars that meet all budgets and tastes. There are thousands of cigars on hand for your enjoyment. Please take the time to sit down and smoke a great cigar in a very welcoming atmosphere.

Contact Information

36-13 33rd St
Astoria, NY

Hours of Operation: Mon-Thu 10AM - 8 PM, Fri-Sat 10AM - 9:30

Where is Havana Puff Cigar Lounge

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