Vincent Restaurant in Downtown - Minneapolis, Minnesota

Inspired by fresh, local and special

Vincent Restaurant

About Vincent Restaurant

This quote, from Michael Sanders’ “From Here You Can’t See Paris,” was said by Jacques Ratier, chef-owner of the restaurant “La Recreation” near my hometown of Puy L’Eveque. This quote reflects my own philosophy of cooking: every morning when I start the day in the kitchen, it is my ambition to create beauty and happiness. I feel fortunate that I can make my living doing this.

I love cooking the traditional French dishes, but I am also very curious about exploring the culinary world. This exploration goes against the intolerant traditional French cooking.

I really enjoy the “no rules” aspect of American cuisine. There are no wrong answers as long as the customer is satisfied; because at the end of the day, the experience of the customer is the most important culinary review.

Contact Information

1100 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN

Hours of Operation: MON–FRI-11.30A–2P, MON-SAT 5:30 til 9:30 or later

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