The Cigar Factory New Orleans in French Quarter - New Orleans, Louisiana

You will enjoy the difference

The Cigar Factory New Orleans

About The Cigar Factory New Orleans

Established in the city’s famous French Quarter District in 1999. The Owners of Cigar Factory New Orleans have been in the industry for over 25 years, beginning in Las Vegas with Don Pablo Cigar Co, shortly thereafter opening San Diego’s first and only factory in the Gaslamp, before returning the tradition of Cigar Making to The Big Easy.

Cigar Factory New Orleans has a loyal following with a long list of satisfied, repeat customers. With ten fulltime master cigar makers, the factory produces over 500,000 cigars a year between their two locations in The French Quarter. Cigar Factory New Orleans Cigars are not available in Retail Stores. The main factory’s cigar museum houses the only known relics left from a bygone era of manufacturing in New Orleans from the late 1800′s, when its port received tobacco from Cuba and other Caribbean countries producing such famous brands as “El Trelles”, “Jose Vega”, and “La Belle Creole”.

Contact Information

415 Decatur St.
New Orleans, LA

Hours of Operation: Sun-Thu 10am-11pm, Fri-Sat 10am-12am

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